Why Apple stays mum on AI while rivals can’t stop talking about it

3 min readAug 3, 2023


Google, Microsoft, and Meta have been vocal about their AI efforts, mentioning it numerous times during their recent earnings calls. However, one major player seems to have a different approach- Apple.

The technology world is buzzing with excitement over artificial intelligence (AI), especially the “generative AI” that creates human-like text, images, and code. Google, Microsoft, and Meta have been vocal about their AI efforts, mentioning it numerous times during their recent earnings calls. However, one major player seems to have a different approach — Apple.

Apple’s Reserved Stance on AI
Unlike its competitors, Apple rarely talks about artificial intelligence. Even during its earnings calls, CEO Tim Cook mentioned AI only twice, and that was in response to a question. The company’s two-hour software launch event in June did not include any mention of AI, despite several new AI-powered features being announced.

Apple’s preference for the term “machine learning” over AI is one of the reasons for its understated approach. The company focuses on what its software can do for users, such as organizing photos, improving typing, or enhancing PDF fields, rather than hyping up the technology behind it.

The Core Underlying Component
Apple treats AI as a core underlying component of its products rather than the future of computing. The technology works seamlessly in the background, and the company does not feel the need to shout about it. Instead, it focuses on delivering a smooth user experience without making AI the center of attention.

Rivalry Among Tech Giants
In contrast, other tech giants like Microsoft, Google, and Meta are aggressively promoting AI. They are investing in various AI products and services, hoping to capitalize on the AI gold rush. However, the future success of these AI products remains uncertain, and the companies themselves are cautious about managing investor expectations.

The Hype Cycle
The AI boom is currently in a “peak of inflated expectations,” where there is significant attention and investment. However, if consumer applications fail to gain traction, the industry could experience a “trough of disillusionment,” leading to decreased enthusiasm and investment. Investors and analysts are now realizing that AI’s impact on revenue and profitability may take time.

Apple’s Focus on Products
When Apple reports its earnings, analysts may inquire about the company’s AI plans, but Apple is known for its secrecy regarding unreleased products. While the company acknowledges the significance of AI, it prefers to focus on incorporating it thoughtfully into its products rather than making grand announcements.

While AI continues to be a hot topic in the tech world, Apple’s approach to AI reflects its commitment to delivering practical, user-friendly experiences without relying on excessive hype. As the industry evolves, all eyes will be on how each tech giant navigates the ever-changing landscape of artificial intelligence.

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