With the requirement to produce products faster to market, the demand for modernised automation solutions has skyrocketed. The development of updated web apps employing frameworks such as React, Angular, Vue, and others is one of the reasons. Cypress is one such solution that attempts to address the basic challenges that modern online apps confront.
Cypress is a JavaScript-based end-to-end testing framework based on Mocha, a feature-rich JavaScript test framework that simplifies asynchronous testing and operates on and in the browser. To connect with any JavaScript testing framework, it uses a browser and a BDD/TDD assertion library.
Two of them were created specifically for the Cypress framework:
Cypress waits for elements to appear, animations to complete, the DOM to load, XHR and AJAX calls to complete, and so on. As a result, neither implicit nor explicit waits are required.
Cypress is intelligent enough to recognise that after saving a test file (xyz spec.js), the tester will run it again. As a result, as soon as the tester saves their file, the run begins alongside the browser. As a result, there is no need to start the run manually.
Features of Cypress Framework
- It waits for the test command to run automatically and then makes assertions before moving on to the next set of instructions to run.
- It takes screenshots throughout the execution of test cases to aid debugging.
- It supports interactive test execution with Test Runner and logs, making it easier to debug test execution.
- It provides customers with faster and more accurate test execution due to architectural design differences from other test frameworks.
Components of Cypress Framework
- During the execution of certain test cases, the following components are used:
- The It() blocks are where the test execution begins in the Spec File. Every spec file has a single describe block, which contains various it blocks.
- Page Object File: This file lists the methods that comprise the business logic for the tests. The actual Cypress commands to interact with the real programme are contained in these methods.
- The actual locators of UI elements in a real application are stored in the Page Selector File.
- Constants File: This file is used to store any constants that are utilised across the test files.
Advantages of Cypress Framework
- Tests may be put up and run quickly and easily.
- When compared to other frameworks, test writing takes less time.
- It can be used with any CI tool that has command-line options for headless execution.
- In the event of a test failure, it automatically captures screenshots of the test execution. This is useful for diagnosing and debugging issues.
- Once the modifications to the test have been made, Test Runner will automatically reload.
How to run your first Cypress Test with an example?
Begin with a project that already has a package attached to it. Let’s add Cypress to this project by executing NPM install Cypress and specifying the safe dev flag to declare Cypress a dev dependency in the json file. Installing Cypress locally allows us to maintain the version of Cypress at the project level, but if you just want to get started right away or don’t want to add NPM dependencies to your project, we offer a direct download option that allows you to get started right away without the need for NPM. We’ve received instructions from Cypress on how to open it.Let’s begin by typing node modules\bin\Cypress space open .
When it opens, we’ll see that Cypress has aided us by seeding our project with some directories and example files. We can dismiss this message by clicking the ok button, but note that there is now only one file listed under integration tests. Let’s leave the example spec for now and open the project in our favourite editor and create a new file under Cypress integration called sample underscore spec. When that file is generated, Cypress will take it up and it will appear in our list of integration tests.
We can now just select our new file from the list and launch it in the Cypress test. We’ll start with a describe block because the scribe helps us stay organised by grouping related tests together. We’ll just call this one my first test inside the description. We’ll add our first test with an it function that describes what our test does, which in this case isn’t anything.
Then we’ll add an assertion to our test. We’ll keep it simple and just assert that we expect true to equal true. This syntax may look familiar to you because Cyphers come packaged with some popular tools and frameworks. Here we’re using the describe and its functions provided by mocha, and the expect function comes from the chai assertion library. With their first test written, let’s save this file and see that Cyprus gets right to work.
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