Sateesh Seetharamiah, CEO of Edge Platforms, EdgeVerve shares tips for newcomers in the AI domain
In an exclusive interaction with TechGig, Sateesh Seetharamiah, CEO of Edge Platforms, EdgeVerve gives his piece of advice to all the newbies in the AI domain.
AI’s integrity is a concern among many people and having a balanced and nuanced view on this issue is important. In an exclusive interaction with TechGig,Sateesh Seetharamiah, CEO of Edge Platforms, EdgeVerve gives his piece of advice to all the newbies in the AI domain.
Here are the excerpts-
TechGig: Why are businesses struggling with the democratization of Artificial Intelligence in India?
Sateesh: The potential of artificial intelligence for businesses is immense, but many are struggling with its adoption. It’s not just India but businesses worldwide are facing challenges in this area. One of the biggest obstacles is the lack of skilled talent in AI and related fields. Businesses risk falling behind their competitors without the right professionals to develop and implement AI solutions. Additionally, ethical concerns around AI must be addressed including data privacy. Transparency and accountability require significant investment in governance and compliance frameworks. Industries such as financial services and insurance have progressed in adopting AI, but data availability and quality are crucial factors. High-quality data is necessary to build effective AI solutions, and the lack of structured and standardized data can be a significant barrier to adoption. To unlock the full potential of AI, businesses must invest in upskilling talent, clarifying regulatory requirements, and prioritizing ethical considerations. It’s time to discover AI’s value and seize its opportunities.
TechGig: Can we call Intelligent Automation a game-changer in the digital transformation vertical?
Sateesh: Intelligent Automation plays an integral part in driving digital transformation; as we say that, we can call it a game-changer. Intelligent Automation, a combination of artificial intelligence and automation technologies, has the potential to revolutionize how businesses operate entirely. It can help companies automate repetitive and mundane tasks, allowing employees to focus on more value-added activities. This, in turn, can lead to increased efficiency, improved productivity, and cost savings. At EdgeVerve, with our work experience with over 400 enterprises worldwide, we have been helping businesses make more informed decisions by analyzing vast amounts of data, staying competitive in the digital age, and creating new growth opportunities for them.
TechGig: People have different opinions on AI’s integrity. What do you think?
Sateesh: AI’s integrity is a concern among many people and having a balanced and nuanced view on this issue is important. On the one hand, AI has the potential to revolutionize many industries and improve people’s lives in countless ways. For instance, AI can help healthcare professionals diagnose diseases more accurately, improve traffic flow and reduce congestion, and even help combat climate change by optimizing energy use. On the other hand, there are also concerns about the ethical implications of AI. For instance, there are concerns about the potential for AI to perpetuate bias and discrimination and about the impact of AI on employment and job security. Therefore, it is important to ensure that AI is developed and deployed ethically and responsibly, with due consideration given to fairness, transparency, and accountability issues.
TechGig: AI is considered a threat to human workers. Can you share your views on it?
Sateesh: The rise of technology has always been a catalyst for disruption in various industries, leading to new opportunities and higher-order problems that humans have adapted to solve. AI-led transformation is no different, and we must approach its impact on human workers with a balanced and nuanced perspective. While it is true that AI has the potential to automate certain jobs and tasks, it is also crucial to recognize the vast opportunities and jobs that AI can create, especially in the field of data science and machine learning. In addition, many tasks and jobs require creativity, emotional intelligence, and human interaction, making them less likely to be fully automated by AI. Therefore, it is essential to view AI as a complement to human workers rather than a replacement. Investing in education and upskilling programs will help equip workers with the necessary skills to thrive in an increasingly AI-driven world.
TechGig: How important is employee upskilling in your company? Are there any initiatives in your pipeline?
Sateesh: At EdgeVerve, employee upskilling is a top priority, as we recognize that the rapid pace of technological change requires our employees to constantly learn and adapt to stay relevant and competitive. We have several initiatives in our pipeline to support employee upskilling, including training programs in areas such as data science, machine learning, and AI. We also encourage our employees to attend conferences and seminars and provide access to online learning resources and other educational materials. Additionally, we offer to mentor and coaching programs to help employees develop their skills and advance their careers. Overall, we believe that investing in employee upskilling is essential to ensuring our company’s and our employees’ long-term success.
TechGig: Do you have any advice for newcomers in the AI domain?
Sateesh: The success of AI implementation is not just about technical expertise but also about creating value for businesses and customers. To achieve this, newcomers in the AI domain must focus on building a deep understanding of business problems and industries they are interested. This means identifying areas where AI can bring the most value and creating meaningful solutions that address real needs. Staying updated on the latest research and developments in the field is essential, but it’s equally important to learn and improve skills continuously. Collaborating with other professionals, attending conferences, and participating in hackathons can provide valuable opportunities to gain experience and exposure.
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