Rust 1.62, which was released on June 30, allows developers to use cargo add to add dependencies straight from the command line, and much more.
The Rust programming language’s unique approach results in better code with fewer compromises than C, C++, Go, and other languages you’re undoubtedly familiar with. It is also updated on a regular basis, usually once a month.
Rust 1.62’s new features
Rust 1.62, which was released on June 30, allows developers to use cargo add to add dependencies straight from the command line. This programme will enable you to define versions and features, as well as adjust existing dependencies. If a default variant is supplied, Rust 1.62 supports the usage of #[derive(Default)] on enums.
Other new capabilities in Rust 1.62:
1. On Linux, Rust’s standard library now includes a raw futex-based version of locks that is lightweight and does not require any extra allocation. This enhancement is part of an ongoing effort to improve the efficiency of Rust lock types.
2. It is now simpler to create OS-less binaries for x86 64, such as when developing a kernel. Rustup may now install the x86 64-unknown-none target, which has been elevated to Tier 2.
3. A number of APIs, including bool::then some, f32::total cmp, f64::total cmp, and Stdin::lines, have been stabilised.
How to download the latest Rust version
The following command will provide you access to the most recent version of Rust if you already have a previous version installed thanks to rustup:
$ rustup update stable
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