Pros and cons of Python as a programming language for web development
Python is behind a range of powerful platforms such as Instagram, Google, YouTube, etc., and has quickly been adopted as the enterprise-grade framework by leading companies. In this article, we will discuss the pros as well as cons of using Python as a programming language for web development.
Python is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages preferred by developers across the globe. Today, it is used for data science, machine learning projects. Python is powering many well-known platforms such as Instagram, Google, YouTube, etc., and has quickly been adopted as the enterprise-grade framework by leading companies. All that said, Python is not free from flaws. It is often considered not lightweight when compared with other programming languages such as Ruby in Rails, which is well known to offer faster app development. In this article, we will discuss the pros as well as cons of using Python as a programming language for web development.
Pros of Python
Shallow learning curve
Thousands of courses are available that teach Python. It has a shallow learning curve and therefore most learners find it simple to learn. It uses a language that is close to the English language that we use every day. It is easy for developers to work on projects that are ongoing and some other developers midway. Developers who have knowledge of other programming languages learn even faster.
Scalable language
Python’s scalability makes it popular amongst developers. Even when the traffic grows on the app the app remains stable and performs without lags. Python enables developers to maintain the codes well which saves time and costs.
Flexibility in development
Django is a popular framework that offers optimum levels of flexibility for developers. Leveraging the framework developers can easily configure their development environment. There are thousands of libraries available that facilitate the process of app development related to scientific computing, Machine Learning., etc.
Community support
It has the most active developer community. If as a developer you are facing any issue you can always seek help from the global community and there is always a solution available. Python developers keep experimenting on their own so new developers can always find resources to help them with their projects.
Cons of Python
Slower development
Python is robust but heavy, which can slow down the development process. It can sometimes lag due to heavy computation and coding involved.
Lack of experts
Well, there is still a shortage of Python experts who can work on challenging projects. Python development can be costly as often professionals with the right skills are not available.
Not mobile-friendly
Python is not great for mobile applications. Java and Swift usually are preferred by developers for building high-performing and interactive Android and iOS apps.
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