Increasing engineering velocity at Goldman Sachs: A consumer engineering India perspective
The success and quality of a large engineering organization are largely influenced by the mindset of its engineers. Ensuring that engineers are motivated to continuously improve their skills and act as product owners they ship is imperative and enables them to do their best work.
By Ankhuri Dubey and Vijay Narayanan, Managing Directors at Goldman Sachs, Bengaluru
Engineering velocity is increasingly becoming the difference between successful and unsuccessful engineering organizations. Engineering velocity, or the ability to ship high-quality code rapidly, is determined by engineering mechanisms and mindset. Engineering mechanisms are a combination of automated tooling to enforce standard engineering practices and design. Mechanisms aim to increase the odds of good outcomes and reduce bad outcomes during the software development process. An engineering mindset is an ability to frame an engineering problem in multiple ways, identify the relevant problem to solve, evaluate multiple solutions and choose the long-term sustainable option. The engineering mindset in combination with the optimal set of mechanisms leads to high engineering velocity.
How do you measure Engineering Velocity?
Engineering velocity is measured using Software Delivery metrics. Software Delivery metrics — referred to as the DORA-4 — include change lead time, deployment frequency, change failure rate, and mean time to recover. These metrics come from several years of research across a wide variety of industries and firms and are summarized every year through the State of DevOps reports. At Goldman Sachs, we are currently working on measuring software delivery metrics across our projects to identify areas we do well in, areas to improve, and areas to invest in. What’s particularly important to note is that these efforts are technology/platform agnostic and serve as the North Star for improving software development practices, tooling, and mechanisms.
What value do Engineering Mechanisms provide?
Our aim is to enable engineers to deliver secure, high-quality code quicker. We do this through engineering mechanisms like guardrails and paved paths. We are focused on both mechanisms that are tool and process driven. On the tooling front, we have shifted left tools that prevent implementation defects, static code analysis, and secure code violation checks. Additionally, we scan software builds for security vulnerabilities and secure coding violations. Finally, we are investing in automated control gates that are backed by test evidence and firmwide policies, and standardizing how we automate code deployments and rollbacks. On the process side, we focus on multiple interaction points with subject matter experts across software engineering, functional domain modelling, and cloud infrastructure.
How do you foster an Engineering Mindset?
The success and quality of a large engineering organization are largely influenced by the mindset of its engineers. Ensuring that engineers are motivated to continuously improve their skills and act as product owners they ship is imperative and enables them to do their best work. A few practices that we’ve employed to help influence the mindset of our organization are hackathons, tech talks, and engineering paper reading meetups.
∙ Hackathons: Hackathons are a unique way to spark developer innovation, boost morale, and foster collaboration across team boundaries. During our hackathons, engineers come together for one day to brainstorm ideas and solve problems they would not usually tackle as part of their day jobs. Hackathons provide engineers with the opportunity to solve unique problems, find solutions to those problems, and implement them, all alongside their peers. Cross-team collaboration leads to an interesting exchange of ideas and to the adoption of new practices. Our most recent hackathon helped reduce technical debt and the number of alerts and led to improvements to proof of concepts and system observability areas.
∙ Tech Talks: Tech Talks are informal sessions where engineers meet to discuss the problems they are solving. Past tech talk topics included a new java library that generates enumerations from configurations and a design pattern that sped up application performance. Engineers attending these talks often take ideas that they discussed with their peers and implement them in their work. Higher diversity of teams and ideas during Tech Talks improves discussion quality which helps solve unique tech problems.
∙ Tech Paper Reading Meetups: Tech Paper Reading Meetup is a community built around reading, analyzing, and learning more about academic computer science papers and identifying learning opportunities in our day-to-day work. It is inspired by Papers We Love which is an immensely popular practice and drives a set of software engineering communities worldwide. During the meetup, one participant will typically volunteer to read and walk everyone else through a paper. Discussions are most effective when the participants are a group of curious, critical thinkers who can participate in the discussions and identify the applicability of the technology within the organization. These sessions teach engineers new algorithms / problem-solving techniques and how to frame a problem in multiple ways and inspire engineers to apply ideas to their day-to-day work and expand their network.
These endeavours to develop an engineering mindset are rooted in Goldman Sachs Engineering Tenets that complement the firm’s values and principles and define our success. Mechanisms help improve software delivery metrics and foster an engineering mindset across teams and individuals. Our focus on hackathons, tech talks, and meetups is mutually reinforcing and creating opportunities for our engineers to express ideas, explore solutions, learn, and deliver value to our clients and customers.
We will look forward to sharing progress on these and other ideas in a future blog post. Stay tuned!
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