Heaps vs Stacks: Detailed comparison for brooding IT developers
While students in a Data Structures course and experienced programmers will be able to tell the difference between these two data structures, others may not.Programmers must be able to distinguish between the two and apply them effectively in real-world scenarios. Interviewers frequently present candidates with a situation and then ask for the best data format.
You’ve probably heard the terms “heap” and “stack” as a programmer. It’s common for beginners to use these two terms interchangeably, which is erroneous.
While students in a Data Structures course and experienced programmers will be able to tell the difference between these two data structures, others may not.
Programmers must be able to distinguish between the two and apply them effectively in real-world scenarios. Interviewers frequently present candidates with a situation and then ask for the best data format.
What is a Heap?
For programmers, a heap is a specific tree data structure known as a “priority queue.” Binary Heaps are heaps with a completely balanced binary tree structure (remember that all levels of a complete binary tree are filled except the last) and a heap property.
The heap property arranges the tree in such a way that the maximum or least value is at the top. The value of the parent nodes is greater than the value of the child nodes in a Max Heap, and the maximum value is found at the root of the tree. A Min Heap, on the other hand, is built with the minimal value as the root and each child node having a value larger than its parent. For each node in the binary tree, the heap property must be true recursively.
What is a Stack?
Students are taught stacks as one of the earliest data structures, and they should not be disregarded. A stack is a data structure that works in the same way as a real-life stack (cards, plates, etc.). Stacks have a LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) characteristic since they only enable operations on one end. Queues, on the other hand, are FIFO (First-In-First-Out) and allow operations on both ends.
Push (inserting data onto the top of the stack) and pop (removing data from the top of the stack) are two common stack operations (removing the topmost data element). Stacks can be implemented using pointers, arrays, or linked lists, depending on your needs. Libraries that have already implemented a stack are available in C++, C#, and Java, and you can utilise them anytime you need them.
Heaps vs Stacks
If you’ve read this far, you have a very solid sense of the distinctions between a stack and a heap. Stacks are linear and have a LIFO characteristic, but heaps have a tree structure and obey the heap property. They’re both useful in different ways:
When used as a priority queue, heaps are extremely efficient for the reasons stated above. Heaps are commonly used as the priority queue in graph algorithms like Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree and Dijkstra’s Shortest Path.
Stacks, like memory management and expression evaluation, have a range of vital applications. If you have a backtracking code problem, employing a stack to save the day might be a good option.