Co-Founder & CPO, Edverse, offers advice to techies who are just starting out
Yuvraj Krishan Sharma, Co-Founder & CPO, Edverse shares some tips for IT professionals just starting to consider a career in the field.
What do I do first? When thinking about a job in technology, that is a natural thing to ask. Do you need to earn a technical degree? Take a course in computer programming? The vastness of the technology profession, with so many job options, means that you’ll hear an overwhelming number of different responses to this question.
Here’s some advice from an experienced IT professional for someone just starting to consider a career in the field.
Here’s what Yuvraj Krishan Sharma, Co-Founder & CPO, Edverse has to say:
1. Advice for Starting a Career in Technology?
There’s no denying the fact that technology has revolutionized our lives. However, with the ever-changing tech space in today’s landscape, one needs to start with the latest technology and keep oneself updated on emerging technologies. Learn, learn, learn. If you want to be successful, you need to keep learning.
Take a career assessment test. Decide on the tech role you’re going to pursue. Pursuing a career in tech is an exciting, ever-evolving journey with a myriad of benefits and opportunities for growth. Think about your current (transferrable) skills. Students must stay abreast with the functioning of new-age technologies. Identify what your key skills and interests are. Connect with industry experts to identify what kind of work environment and job role will best fit you, given your skill set to flourish in the IT sector.
The industry offers ample opportunities for you to explore various career options that are available in it. There are different roles, such as software professionals, web developers, application developers, data warehouse administrators etc., which comprise the whole spectrum of careers in the IT sector. The world is becoming increasingly automated as new technologies like Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) take over human jobs. The future is bright for tech professionals as they will be able to create and innovate more than ever before.
2. Why do technologists need to upgrade their skills?
Change is only constant. As technologies evolve, so do their uses. As a result, there are new ways of doing things and creating value in every industry. This requires professionals to upgrade their skills continuously to stay relevant. Upskilling is essential for personal and professional growth, and distance is no more an issue. In addition, individuals can learn newer technologies far more rapidly through various new-age online ed-tech learning platforms
The key reason for upskilling is that it helps you to get a job or change your career path. The competition in the IT industry is fierce, and there are ample opportunities for those who have updated their knowledge with the latest technologies. With so many new frameworks and tools being introduced, prospective candidates must keep themselves updated with the latest developments and trends in the market.
The most common way is attending conferences and seminars, enrolling on a reputed ed-tech learning platform, learning new programming languages, and getting certified in a skill set trending in the marketplace. In addition, they can also take up other relevant IT online courses to improve their knowledge. For example, many study modules available on the internet can be taken up by anyone interested in technology. Another way to upgrade one’s skills is by reading books or articles about the subject matter that interests you. Joining a community of like-minded people who share your passion for technology might be a good idea which will help them learn from others who may have more experience than you do in this field.
3. How can competitive programming help with talent acquisition?
Competitive programming is a way for companies to evaluate candidates for software engineering positions through an online challenge. It is also known as coding competitions or hackathons. The goal of competitive programming is to test candidates’ ability to write code in a limited amount of time, often under pressure and under conditions that are close to real-world situations. It can be used as a pre-screening step during the hiring process or to evaluate candidates who are already recruited.
Competitive programming is ideal for talent acquisition since it’s one of the most effective ways to identify top talent. A well-designed competition will measure how quickly someone can solve problems and how well they collaborate with their teammates and communicate with the judge. The best coders often have strong communication skills, making them well suited for many roles beyond just software engineering.
Additionally, it helps test the soft skills of the candidate. In addition, the focus on collaboration and communication means that candidates must interact with others to succeed. This gives you insight into how they would perform in a virtual team setting — which isn’t always easy to measure during interviews alone.
4. Are you planning any initiatives to hire IT talent?
We are planning a virtual job fair over twitter in collaboration with international partners, which will run for 24 hours and help us reach a wider talent pool globally. It will also reduce the long hiring cycle, eventually losing 50% of candidates. Simultaneously, LinkedIn, if used efficiently, is another powerful tool for technology hiring.
5. What are your opinions on the lingering fear of recession?
The fear of recession is always there, and it has been like that for a long time. However, I believe that a recession is an ongoing phenomenon right now. Still, we are on a hiring spree. We have adequate capital and work at hand. If one is prepared well, the recession has minimalistic effects.
It is crucial to be ready with all the financial aspects of a business. There are plenty of opportunities in this business, and one needs to pick the right ones. The key is preparation and proper planning before venturing into any business venture.
6. Do you believe the recession will influence the recruiting of tech talent?
Recruiting is about finding the right people for the right positions. Recruiters have to find ways to get people on board when people are in demand. When there are not enough qualified people, recruiters have to find ways to train them up or bring in other candidates.
The recession has had a notable effect on technology recruiting. It has increased the bargaining power of recruiters and made it easier for them to attract top talent. However, companies with adequate capital and projects can still get the best resources at a reasonable cost. However, we should not forget that this is only true for specific jobs and industries. In some areas, demand far outweighs supply and offers are few and far between.
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