The next edition of Microsoft’s famous object-oriented, type-safe programming language, C# 11, is almost finished and continues to add features. Here are a few of the most anticipated new additions to C# 11 that you may look forward to.
The next edition of Microsoft’s famous object-oriented, type-safe programming language, C# 11, is almost finished and continues to add features. The anticipation is building, but we must remember that the only way to know for sure what new features and improvements will be introduced is to wait until the formal event in early November.
Here are a few of the most anticipated new additions to C# 11 that you may look forward to.
1. Raw String
C# 11 adds a few new string-related capabilities. In particular, string interpolations now have access to a new-line option. Wow, that’s neat. Also, a function may make it less difficult or error-prone to construct UTF-8 strings. Raw String Literal is the most consequential change since it will impact our current methods of C# development. This new feature in C# 11 makes it much simpler to use quotations or embedded language strings in string literals, such as JSON, XML, HTML, SQL, Regex, and others.
2. Generic Attributes
C# 11 adds a new capability that will help developers create better generic classes, especially those that use the System base class. Specifying a type is a mandatory input. Interestingly these capabilities were first mentioned in 2017. Consequently, the development of this feature has been ongoing for five years.
3. Generic Math Support
There are currently two preview features in Generic Math Support.NET 6. This change aimed to collect and act upon user input expeditiously. It is expected to evolve, maybe in breaking ways. Hence preview features are opt-in. Microsoft claims that this will be the case since they have enabled a “preview” API method. Generic Mathematical Help is one such function. It appears that this feature received positive reviews since it will be included in both C# 11 and.NET 7.
4. List Pattern Matching
The pattern matching capabilities of C# 11 have been enhanced in a few of ways. The constant string can be used to match Span and ReadOnlySpan in C# 11. This is intriguing, however, it might not be as practical as List Patterns. With.NET technologies, working on data science projects is becoming simpler, and this functionality is a step in the right direction. It’s intriguing that a feature with identical functionality was included in the prior Python version.
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