4 Coding habits to improve your efficiency in competitive programming
Hackathons, like coding challenges, are often run for 1 to 7 days or a set amount of time. One thing you must have noticed is that you have a limited amount of time to complete your code.
Participating in coding challenges and hackathons, whether offline or online, is enjoyable and productive. In these contests, you can win a variety of prizes and incentives. You can demonstrate your ability and be rewarded for it. Hackathons and coding challenges like TechGig Code Gladiators 2022 are often run for 1 to 7 days or a set amount of time. One thing you must have noticed is that you have a limited amount of time to complete your code. You will be outrun by the other challengers until and until you compete effectively and manage your time.
Great programmers and developers are extremely dependable. They estimate the amount of time it will take to finish the assignment, communicate it, and deliver it on time. Here are some suggestions for saving time while competing in a coding competition:
1. Consider and compile
You won’t always get the program correct the first time, so be patient and learn all of the errors you’ve made; you can’t just eliminate an error and build again. You must go over the entire software again and correctly examine it to avoid wasting your limited time.
2. Have a fun coding environment
Prepare your tools before the competition because you could waste countless seconds due to little issues such as your internet connection failing, your browser malfunctioning, and so on. These flaws may also cause you to become distracted and unable to concentrate on your logic. Before you settle down to take on the challenge, make a plan.
3. Read the questions twice or three times
The issue creator has created numerous loopholes in which the user can become imprisoned. You must find a way out of all of these holes. You may get into difficulties unless and until you read the question twice or three times, and you will waste time trying to figure out what went wrong and correcting those errors.
4. Improve your thinking and comprehension
You can run code written by other efficient coders to get a sense of what can be done with coding and how it can be done more quickly and logically. Some other efficient coder may have created the program you compiled in 100 lines of code in 50 or fewer lines, saving him time to attempt other coding questions. It’s also possible that getting the output through his code took less time. Continue to learn from other brilliant programmers.
Register for TechGig Code Gladiators here.